NVLAP Lab Code: 100571-0
USDT © 2019
United States Dosimetry Technology, Inc. is located in Richland, Washington along the Columbia River ​in proximity to the Hanford Nuclear reservation site. We have been a steady source of dosimetry service to thousands of both small and large companies.  

With 30 years of service in the dosimetry health and safety field, our staff is well equipped to answer and ​guide you with your personnel dosimetry programs. Our company is NVLAP accreditation for 30 years in thermoluminescent dosimetry. 

Our Health Physicist​ has over 30 years experience in his field and holds a Masters Degree in Health Physics.  We care about the safety and health of all our clientele and are willing to go the extra mile in service.  We hope you will be a part of our program and thank you for your inquiry into what our company can do for you.

Personalized Dosimetry Services Since 1989
X-Ray Health and Safety Monitoring Badges